Last year at this event the Royal Guards from Sjöstridsskolan and the marching band nearly collided with the sports cars as they seemed unaware of each other, in the end the guards had to march on the wrong side of the street the last bit to the Royal Palace. This time around, everyone had been properly informed. Well, almost everyone. The crowds where I was standing started laughing when they noticed the guards, and speculated about serious incidents about to happen. But it was all good. And if you have a decent memory you might even recognize them as it is the same marching band as I showed you 9 days ago. Hemvärnets musikkår Östergötland.
Enjoy! They only come once a year... but they really do look good in their uniforms.
Very interesting photos. Well taken. They’ve all polished their shoes too!
Nice to see.
Actually, Andy, this time of the year they march quite often. From April through to August a few times every week.
They look quite serious.
The woman in charge had some issues with oncoming traffic.
Everyone was in step.
Really love them Stefan! The first shot is striking!
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