Monday, September 27, 2010

Fierce Viking Warriors

Mead Anyone?

Dead Viking

Angry Vikings

The Vikings were a fun bunch of people. They enjoyed drinking and raiding. At least the ones we have heard about. They were fierce warriors and sailed the world on their impressive ships. These days it's a bit different. I met a bunch of friendly (but scary looking), Vikings on Saturday when I visited the annual Viking/Medieval festival in Handen. They put on a great show and fought hard against each other during the day. The Viking on the top photo enjoying a glass of mead is Fredrik whom I met last year as well. His new battle dress was custom made for him and imported from Poland. It costed him a few thousand kronor, but as he is a good fighter (he beat me in a few Viking games last year), I'm sure he will get the money back on some raid. More Viking and Medieval photos to come this week.


Olivier said...

de superbes portraits, cela devait etre un tres bon moment said...

The Viking in the top photo has too kindly an expression to strike fear, although I am sure with his outfit, beard and size he could become ferocious.

I did not know that the Vikings drank from plastic cups. Next time I drink form a plastic cup, I will feel more connected to my Swedish ancestors.

Stefan Jansson said...

Ha. I don't see any plastic cup here Dave. I see a wooden mug.

Gunn said...

I guess it must have been a hard and sometimes fun life for the Vikings.... Great photos and event.

B SQUARED said...

Drinking and raiding, that was a great job back in the day.

Luis Gomez said...

These as always are great!

mia said...

Wow those costumes look super authentic. They do look like a fun bunch :)

MrsLittleJeans said...

I love their suits...especially, the first one. Someday I hope to see a real Viking festival : )

Dan said...

Scandinavians are Arians! The figures Vikings! Blond with blue eyes.
We in southern Europe are dark .. aliens.

Janet said...

I love these kind of festivals...really takes you way back! Excellent pictures!

Jack said...

I can see why these Norsemen scared the #%£€¥#% out of my ancestors.

Shannon said...

I agree, they look like a fun bunch. That beard on the first one is intense. Great costumes too.

Leif Hagen said...

The first guy with the wooden mug seems more friendly than fierce - and maybe too thirsty to fight with a sword?

T. Becque said...

Those outfits are cool. Looks like fun.

Stefan Jansson said...

I totally agree B Squared.

And yes Jack Vikings can have that effect on people.

Well Leif, Fredrik won a few battles and lost some.

Luz said...

De donde son estos vikingos?
que buena toma su blog es excelente

Francesco Miranda said...

Those costumes are very cool!


Stefan Jansson said...

Thanks Luz. In the summer time you will find them at all the different Medieval markets around Sweden. The biggest event is the Medieval Week on Gotland.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, that's Fredrik :) How fun :)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, that's Fredrik :) How fun :)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, that's Fredrik :) How fun :)