Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Warmest day of the year

Warmest day of the year
Cycling home on Monday afternoon, I stopped at Munkbroleden for a bite to eat and some photos of fellow cyclists. It was the warmest day of the year, so far, with 25C. I might wave to them the next time. Most of the cyclists seemed okay with the photographer. One woman hid her face and one guy looked away, so I deleted those photos. I just like the different bikes and how people dress. I was in a t-shirt, shorts and a baseball cap. Oh, and as I made the collage I noticed that most of the cyclist were wearing helmets.


roentare said...

The mosaic of cyclist cooperative is striking

s.c said...

Must say the bicycle helmet hasn't really caught on here yet.

Stefan Jansson said...

I was a bit surprised about the number of helmets.

biebkriebels said...

Here nobody uses a Helmet on a bike, only professionals doing so.

RedPat said...

Practically everyone wears a helmet here. It is 23˚C here today.

JudithK said... TX where a live, a bicycle is a rare sight, with some riders in helmets, but most not, and most of it appears to be recreational, with minimal commuting. As an old person, preserving the brain seems important. I was always a poor rider. Wonder how I would have been if I'd grown up in the Netherlands.

William Kendall said...

I haven't been on a bike in years.