Tuesday, May 21, 2024

More May Greenery

Mitt hjärta i världen Norra bantorget Soldäck The Meditation Hill Skogskyrkogården Sköna maj Sommartider Sju brunnars stig Skogskyrkogården More May colors. The two first photos are from Norra bantorget. The sculpture is called Mitt hjärta i världen. My heart in the world. Made in memory of Olof Palme. Next, a sundeck at Blekholmsterrassen where a few people are talking and reading. Followed by six photos from Skogskyrkogården. The UNESCO World Heritage Site cemetery I visit a few times every week, for obvious reasons. In the last shot you can see my eBike parked at Korsets stig.


s.c said...

We just take too many photoos but beautiful they are.

Catarina said...

Summer is just around the corner!!!

Stefan Jansson said...

Summer arrived in Stockholm in late April this year. So we are already seven weeks in!

RedPat said...

It is really warm here today. It is definitely summer.

Stefan Jansson said...

No such thing as too many photos, just keep shooting!

Sharon said...

Wow, such beautiful scenery.

roentare said...

Such a beautiful May bloom

JudithK said...

That is a very interesting tree behind your bike. A beautiful green and bloom time you are having!

Stefan Jansson said...

One of many elm trees here. Some are pruned to interesting shapes.

William Kendall said...

The tree blossoms are lovely.

JudithK said...

Ah. Thanks.