The things you hear at the cafe. Two stories here. The violin belongs to a girl, Ulrika, who joined the usual suspects for coffee on Tuesday. Everyone wanted her to play a song as she is very talented, that didn't happen so instead I will tell you what happened yesterday. Another woman who has been around the block a few times stopped by and wanted to know if Tompa Eken had managed to produce the reel-to-reel tape recorder that she needed. She inherited a number of tapes from her best friend, who died five years ago. Ove, who was sitting next to Tompa told her that he owned one. And now you are wondering what's recorded on these tapes? Well, if it's true it's a sensation. The woman used to hang with a bunch of musicians in Stockholm back in the 1960s. They sometimes jammed with Jimi Hendrix. The woman and her best friend didn't like that Hendrix and her music friends were playing music all the time, they wanted to talk with them! But it's not Hendrix on the tapes. It is the Beatles! The group visited Sweden a few times, and met the same local musicians, and while partying in an apartment somewhere they apparently jammed together. Sounds a little too good to be true, but I will keep you in the loop if and when I hear more.
It is a fascinating tale, Steffe. If it is true, it will hit the news everywhere.
And, I LOVE your artistic photo today.
That is an amazing story. It is similar to the stories that happen occasionally about someone who finds an old painting that turns out to be by a famous artist.
Ha I now understand your comment on my blog about the 2 girls playing the violin in the park. By the way it would indeed be a sensation if jamming with Jimmy Hendrix saw the light. Great text here.
I like the shot you've posted here. And the story? It would be wonderful, if true. And it's still interesting even if someone is exaggerating.
Bilden tilltalar mig mycket. Det korta skärpedjupet, kompositionen och den svart/vita tonen blir ren konst. Härligt!
Och om historien innehåller något stråk av sanning vore det rejält cool. :-)
Met her again today. Her name is Liz. She's an interesting woman. No news yet of the tapes.
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