A few summers ago the municipality declared war against the Common Hogweed. Up until today there has only been one winner. And that is NOT the municipality. This is a walkway in Tungelsta, the building that you can see (if you have very good eyes), in the background is the old station house in Tungelsta. Top photo shows the situation today. Second snap is the same place one year ago.
Japp, ingen tvekan om vem som vinner den kampen! :-)
Kul med de två jämförelsebilderna tagna från samma punkt. Precis som du gjort med t.ex. dina trädbilder. Borde jag lära mig något av...
j'aime beaucoup la deuxieme
j'aime beaucoup la deuxieme
Ded finns många platser jag ständigt återkommer till. Du kan säkert hitta några intressanta ställen, jag gillar att se både årstidsväxlingar och små förändringar på ett par veckor.
I guess hogweed is a good name for it.
Hogweed must be invasive and thus threatening to other plant species. It looks rather benign in your photo. And if it's giving the politicians a tough time, I applaud it!
Love your title, our municipality is losing many matches like this one.
Love the second photo! It has a dreamlike quality.
Yup! The Hogweed is triumphant :))
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