A barbed wire fence in front of the Coca-Cola plant in Jordbro. Not sure about the barbed wire as anyone can walk freely on either side of the fence, but thanks anyway as it gave me another photo opportunity.
Daily photos, portraits, and stories from Haninge, Stockholm and Södertörn in Sweden.
This reminds me of the comments that Mitt Romney made that were secretly recorded and he said that 47% of Americans were takers of government benefits, viewed themselves as victims, and would never vote for him.
He began his discussion by talking about a Chinese factory where young women workers lived in dormitories surrounded by a high wall and barbed wire. He seemed to believe his Chinese hosts who told him the barbed wire around the factory was to keep others from breaking in to seek the jobs.
I like how the wire is in perfect focus yet you can still make out the recognizable Coco-Cola sign. Snow too.
Maybe this is telling us that we shouldn't be drinking so much sugared water.
You sure know how to make the best use of a simple subject Steffe, super image.
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