This is a modern day runestone. Made by the talented Kalle Runristare. You can find the stone in Handen, the inscription reads something like: Residents from many different cultures from the housing cooperative had the stone raised after forty good years, may happiness and peace reign on Earth. Kalle did the carving. It's a beautiful work of art if you ask me. To see more of Kalle's work check out his web site here. Oh, and I did of course shoot this in the Brenizer style so this is 12 photos shot with the nifty fifty lens. I hunched down close to the runestone, took one shot with auto focus on. Turned it off and shot the rest on manual. Setting used:f-stop 1,8. Shutter speed (1/3200). ISO 100 and white balance on Sunny.
Isn't it unusual that contemporary artists have chosen to work in this ancient style? I like it but don't really understand the artistic intent.
It would be a challenge to take this photo with the extreme white of the snow in the background.
Nicely done..
A beautiful capture of a beautiful stone . Thanks Steffe for sharing with us the settings you used for this image.
Very interesting and superb photography!
What a lot of work - for you, I mean. The chicken with the key puzzles me.
The actual shooting took under a minute. The stitching is fully automatic most of the time so I can't really say that it is hard work, but I kind of like the effect I get most of the time.
I really like it Steffe, the blurred background shows off the stone so much more effectively. Nice work indeed.
I think it's lovely too, especially with a blessing like that.
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