From my most recent photo promenade. Sixteen snaps from Krigslida, Nedersta and Välsta. It was another cold day. I walked over a field my family once owned. It was filled with leftover materials from the recent renovation of the commuter platform at Krigslida. I used the new exit at the platform and took a short-cut over another field to get to the old tree. On the way I spotted a couple of skiers and a man out trekking. I took two photos of a house that sits just behind the new noise barrier along the railway line. One of those snaps was taken far away from a hill top at Välsta.
Very diverse and enjoyable collection of images Steffe..
Winter can be so beautiful when the sky is blue! Very interesting snapshots, Did I spot an RV? The cat sure has found a warm sunny spot!
Your 16 snaps mosaics are always good!
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