I was in Handen and had just stopped to say a few words to Rikard Lundin ( My stranger #14), when I noticed this redhead a few meters up the road, and decided that she was 100 Strangers material. Say hello to Ego. She lives in Handen, but works in Stockholm, where she sells bath bombs. So if you need one of those, and who doesn't, order one from their web shop. Ego is a unique woman. And I don't mean the beautiful combination of her blue eyes and her striking red hair. To my knowledge she's the only one who has given testimony in a court case, in the nude, while smoking a cigarette! And she was on the winning side! Beat that if you can. I'm not going to tell you what the case involved, but I can tell you that she provided testimony via telephone conferencing. Ego claimed that she never looked good on photos and I think she has been proven wrong here! This is my 36th photo for the 100 Strangers project. You can see the rest of my strangers in my Set.
She sure is beautiful.
Oh yes.
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