A couple of days ago I visited lake Rudan hoping to photograph someone going for a spring swim. I asked this couple if they felt like jumping in, they respond by saying that their dog has already done that, but that I was welcome to photograph him. I sat down next to them on the pier and explained about the 100 Strangers project and this was the result. Meet Micke and the beautiful Elisabeth. And of course Enzo the rottweiler. Micke and Elisabeth live together here in Handen, and as the weather was amazing they decided to walk down to the lake. Micke enjoys fishing and Elisabeth are into horse back riding. She was a little sadden as her horse had been put down after breaking a leg recently. On a happier note they told me about a visit to Thailand back in February. I tried to tell them about island hopping in the Greek archipelago, but they preferred the beaches and the tropical landscape in the Phuket Province. After talking about this and that, we realised that we had at least one acquaintance in common, namely John Falkenbjörk. This is my 29th photo for the 100 Strangers project. You can see the rest of my strangers in my Set.
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Great looking trio. 100 strangers sounds like a great project, but might be difficult for us more introverted people. It's great seeing everyday people from your country
No one's more introverted than me, so I'm sure you can do it! I get nervous every time, but also excited, and that feeling quickly takes over!
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