Thursday, August 01, 2024


Recovery drink Smoothie
Theme Day. Fruit. I will often enjoy a fruit smoothie. Sometimes with my breakfast, or if I eat lunch at home. Strawberries. Blueberries. Oranges. Kiwi. Raspberries. And for dinner, I will try to make an apple and carrot salad with whatever I am eating.


roentare said...

Somehow the juice colour is fascinating

Bill said...

Looks refreshing.

Sharon said...

Yum! Sounds delicious!

s.c said...

Looks very nice and the next salat will be carrot and apple. Thanks for the suggestion.

RedPat said...

Carrot & apple sounds interesting. Love the look of your smoothies.

JudithK said...

Hmm. Apples might take that bitter edge off carrots a bit. Never had thought about it; may try it.

Jack said...

I would join you for the strawberry smoothie. One of my coffee shops is next to a smoothie shop, and sometimes I arrive before I decide which I will get. And, I did see your comment about the Olympic swimmers. Congratulations on Sarah Sjöström's gold medal. I didn't see that race, but I read about it.

Stefan Jansson said...

I made a smoothie this morning, had a tough evening yesterday, with headache and voniting! Too much sunshine I guess and not enough water.

William Kendall said...

Blueberry smoothie for me.