Friday, August 02, 2024

Arson attack

Arson attack
Two boats were destroyed in two different fires at Norra Hammarbyhamnen last week. One floating restaurant, that later sank. You can see the remains here as the police boat is leaving. The other boat burnt the following night. That was a sailboat, where one man was saved from the fire. He was asleep when the fire started. An arson attack on the restaurant is my guess. Accident on the sailboat?


roentare said...

So sad that a boat restaurant is burned down

Rob Siemann said...


s.c said...

What a pity.

Bill said...

Very sad and disturbing.

RedPat said...

That is awful.

Peter van den Besselaar said...


William Kendall said...

Having had been through arson, I don't wish it on anyone.