I have a thing for circles. I see them
everywhere. Here's four good ones from my flickr collection that has some 400 photos.
Top left is from a
church window in Handen. I was out on a photo promenade with a friend a while back. By chance we ended up having coffee at the church as all the cafe's were closed. After the coffee break we took the opportunity to have a look around and that's when I photographed the circular window.
Top right. A
circular hole in the wall at the mall in Handen. The stairs leads down to a square where you will find the
cultural centre.
Bottom left. A
mystery stone. One of six
King Stones at Sanda. No one knows for certain what they mean or who made them. For centuries local people have speculated about their origin. One theory says that the stones were made after a visit of an unknown King. It is said that the King was a bit of a ladies man and that he had fathered a few children in the neighbourhood. I guess we will never know for certain.
Bottom right. Another little mystery from Sanda. Out on a bicycle ride I noticed a home made sign on a gravel road. The sign read
Chicken Pasture Cottage. Intrigued I stopped and walked up a hill and when I came around a corner I found a red cottage that looked just like a museum. Or an old summer house. I called out but no one answered. So I decided to have a look around. I got the camera ready and for ten minutes I walked around the place taking photos. Up against a wall I found this
wooden wheel. Later I have talked with a few people, interested in local history, but no one seems to know anything about this place.
This is theme day. The theme is Circles/Spheres.
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants for the month of December.