Winter vs. Autumn at Hammarbo in Tungelsta. Winter photo from November 2007. Autumn photo from September 2008. Hammarbo is today a psychiatric clinic. It was built as a private recidence many years ago by the Upmark family.
Daily photos, portraits, and stories from Haninge, Stockholm and Södertörn in Sweden.
great contrast
Lovely photo! This shows the rewards of taking photos on a regular basis throughout the year.
Thanks. There will probably be a few more of these in the near future.
Excellent split personality image for the building now being a psychiatric clinic. Just proves not two images are alike.
Vart i Tungelsta ligger Hammarbo egentligen?
Det ligger längs med Allévägen och järnvägen, nära järnvägsövergången till Stavsvägen och granne med Hammar.
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