Back in February I met and interviewed the artist Lennart Jansson at his workshop at Håga. Now it seems he is gone. Not sure what has happened. I stopped at an industrial area in Handen yesterday where you can see some of his art. Years ago he used to work from here, and I wanted to see if I could find out where he had gone, or perhaps talk to someone who knew him. After talking to one of the builders I was told to ask the manager. I found him in his rented office and he told me what he knew from the time Lennart was here. A few years ago Lennart needed a place where he could store some of his wooden sculptures as he had to move his workshop. Luckily the owner of Damaskus Maskinskydd agreed to have the pieces outside his building. Over the years a few of the smaller sculptures have been stolen by art lovers (?), as they were only protected by a fence. On my visit I counted that there was maybe five sculptures left. But sadly I couldn't find out any more recent news.
This sculpture is very interesting. Chainsaw work is just amazing, I saw a chainsaw artist the other night working on ice. It takes a lot of work.
interesting installation.....
This is a very interesting sculpture ahow it was created is so talented. Even if you can't find the others it is wonderful for us to see this one.
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