Häringe Castle seen from behind the Rotunda where a theatre group are playing Hamlet, hence the Dannebrog flag. On the veranda hotel guests and visitors having a cup of coffee or a meal. The castle was built in 1654 by Gustav Horn, the Count of Pori. Back then it had a third floor that was later destroyed in a fire. Häringe goes back to the Viking era when a famous Viking name Sote lived here. Other famous owners include Magnus Ladulås, Sten Sture, Gustav Vasa, Gustav II Adolf and Torsten Kreuger.More photos in my Häringe-Hammersta Set.
Quite a bit of history there. Sounds like most of the usual suspects have been around!
I like the idea of a ‘famous’ Viking. What did he do to earn that fame?
Viking fan from Tasmania
There's loads of history here Per.
I will have to get back to you on that Kris. I will try to write a post with some "fun" facts about that particular Viking, stay tuned for that!
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