Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Rabbitbird

The Rabbitbird
A seven-meter high mural at an old industrial area at Hagalund in Solna. Called the Rabbitbird. Or KaninFågeln. Twin girls in their nightdresses. Spray-painted onto a six-story building. Part of a project called Moving Murals from 2018. A collaboration between Performing Pictures and La Piztola from Mexico. Photographed from far-away using the zoom lens.


roentare said...

This is a little disturbing to look at

s.c said...

I still find it unfortunate that nowhere in the photo can I see that the mural is that large.

Stefan Jansson said...

You can in the original, but I cropped it, because, well, because I could.

RedPat said...

I like the weirdness of it.