Bullerskärm. Swedish word of the day. Noise barrier fence along the Nynäsbanan railway line at Håga in Västehaninge. In the background a new building at the industrial park.
Daily photos, portraits, and stories from Haninge, Stockholm and Södertörn in Sweden.
We have many of these noise barriers in Florida - along the Florida Turnpike and other major roads. But I read a study a couple of years ago which said they didn't do much good. Our barriers are made of concrete and decorated. I wonder why nobody did a scientific study before they built the things. Perhaps your barriers will be more effective. In our case, I'd guess some rich contractor with ties to certain government officials got the go-ahead after he or she "contributed" to the officials' campaign funds or sent them money in small white envelopes. :)
There are similar structures used here. That shade of red is eye catching.
What you don't see here William, but is visible from the bridge crossing the rail-track is the result from the not so talented taggers. Oh and for you Lowell, here it is, both English and Swedish, all you need to know about the effectiveness of the noise barriers! http://www.diva-portal.se/smash/get/diva2:728032/FULLTEXT01.pdf
Very nice geometry. I like your composition.
Good shot.
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