Artwork that is. I tried my best to offend the owner, (didn't catch his name), of this car by informing him that it was a bit on the ugly side. He responded that this was just a start, soon the entire car will be painted in a similar style. I spotted the Hyundai at Håga industrial park yesterday and decided to shoot my first bokeh panorama with the Sigma lens. The anonymous guy then told me that it was Jesse that would paint the car and he is actually pretty good at designing stuff. Press here to see Jesse's Amazon. And here to see Jesse's cool bike. And here to see Jesse.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Det blir säkert hur cool som helst när det är klart. Men varför anstränga sig så mycket för en Hyundai? Inget ont om den typen av bruksbil men någon särskild streetcred har den väl inte. Eller? (Jag kan ha missat något...)
Länkarna du bidrar med visar i alla fall riktigt häftiga fordon samt en person som definitivt har streetcred!
He could paint anything he wants on that car because I don't think it could hurt it at all. :)
Hear hear Andy. He does have another car guys. An old Volvo PV. I'm sure that one is a real beauty, and who knows, I might get the chance to photograph it one day.
To each their own. There's a guy here who's kitted out his pick up truck with painting and other details to be in a grim reaper theme.
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