Daily photos, portraits, and stories from Haninge, Stockholm and Södertörn in Sweden.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Lots of logging in Haninge this month. This is near the Biofuel power plant in Jordbro. I wonder if the cut down trees will end up as fuel at the power plant?
Well, I hope there was a good reason to cut down perfectly good trees. Are they part of a renewable campaign? In any case, Sweden's carbon emissions are so low, it probably doesn't make much difference.
Well, I hope there was a good reason to cut down perfectly good trees. Are they part of a renewable campaign? In any case, Sweden's carbon emissions are so low, it probably doesn't make much difference.
That would be a waste...
Maybe it is beavers using it for a dam?
Seen a lot of men with chainsaws over the last few weeks. Cutting down trees everywhere. But no sign of any beavers.
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