Swedish word of the day. Milsten. Milestone. A measuring system used from 1649 to the 1890s. You can find this milestone at Hanveden in Västerhaninge close to the Nynäsvägen. There are many milestones left in Haninge, especially on the road between Dalarö and Handen.
Jag gillar dessa stenar och att de bevaras och får stå kvar. Dessutom ett extra plus att de fotograferas på ett bra sätt precis som i ditt fall! :-)
That's an interesting symbol carved in the Milsten. Do you know what it is? A really nice photo.
It's a number. 1/4. It simply means one fourth of a mile. There are other stones with the number 1/2, and they mean half a mile to the next stone.
What an interesting idea that is! 30 years ago I had a good Swedish vocabulary but it is almost all gone now unfortunately.
Milsten and milestone. These words both seem to have common roots. I had a Swedish au pair years ago and when she spoke Swedish, I couldn't recognize anything, but when I saw written Swedish, I recognized some words.
Now that's an interesting mileage sign Steffe, I'm guessing there isn't one ever quarter of a mile oui!
p.s. I wish I could send you some of this hot weather we're having right now :)
I am not sure if we still have some nearby. This one is simply great!
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