Work have started on the next phase of construction at Stora Arken (The Big Ark), in central Handen. Ten years ago it was a forested area, now it is filled with apartment buildings and a few more will be built here over the next months. I stopped there yesterday and shot a number of panoramic views.
There are positive and negative aspects to this, I bet. Nice panoramic.
I would expect that construction in Sweden in rather tough in the winter.
Riktigt kul bilder att ha om några år när byggnader och gator fyller det som en gång varit skog. (Man glömmer lätt hur allt såg ut innan stora förändringar.)
Seems kind of an ironic name for tearing down animal habitat to build human (non floating) refuge. What do you think about this development? Your photos are well done ! I like the panos.
Jag har ett flickr-set med bilder från Stora Arken som går tillbaka några år.
There's lot of forests for the local wildlife so this will not be any problem.
It's good to have these shots to record the progress Steffe. Looking forward to seeing the different stages.
Love your panoramas, I am still learning, but I am quite happy with some of mine. Thanks to you that gave me the idea a bit ago...
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