This is a three photo panorama. Must have been the shortest delivery route this Coca Cola truck driver has ever made. You can see the big Coca-Cola plant to the left. The truck is parked in front of a Pressbyrån kiosk at the Jordbro commuter station. Every Christmas Coca-Cola try their best to sell us their soft drink for the holiday, but it never works. If you are a real Swede you will drink Julmust at the Christmas table.
Bra panoramabild! Och vår julmust-tradition hoppas jag aldrig Coca Cola kommer att rå på!!
I read recently that the only industrial enterprise that remained in operation through all the turmoil in Somalia is the Coca Cola bottling plant.
In San Jose, Costa Rica, there is a section of the city that everyone refers to as "Coca Cola." It is even marked that way on the map. Years ago there was a bottling plant there, but it has since moved. But in a country without street addresses, everyone identifies their location by giving directions from a landmark that everyone knows, so everyone still calls the area Coca Cola.
I do like an occasional glass of Cola-cola but now I must try Julmust. Love the shot.
Here Coke always has some of the best Christmas commercials. Will never forget the one with chugging a Coke after his rounds.
What is it like Steffe, is it as sweet as coke?
Just head over to IKEA tomorrow Grace, and buy a bottle of Julmust why don't' you!
Let me know what you think. Also try the Glögg and the Pepparkakor. Enjoy!
Now I am curious to try some julmust...
I saw some Julmust at IKEA the other day, but no-one at the market seemed to know anything about it. Staff should be better trained and encouraged to eat the good food on sale there.
I do like the Christmas Coke Santa, even if I don't like Coke.
I wish more locales supported their local economies. Good for Julmust !
Excellent panorama !
Not sure about your part of the world, but in North America Santa is always pictured as a jovial, fat guy in a red suit.
That image was actually 'invented' as a Coca Cola ad campaign in the early 20th century. It became so popular that it supplanted the previous image of him as a sort of elf.
Santa in Sweden (Jultomten), used to look very different before the Coca-Cola Santa entered the picture.
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