Tungelsta is growing fast. Many new houses have been built here over the last few years. A new rail-track is planned and roads and bridges for that are under construction at the moment. But, if you own a car and need to stop at the gas station, that's not going to happen. The only gas station closed when the last owner went into personal bankruptcy. The property is now for sale, but I'm guessing that no one is going to buy it if they were to look at the place today (I shot these photos earlier today). But if you are planning to stop at the Tungelsta Inn (that's the blue building), you can of course find free parking at the old filling station!
Yikes! Someone needs to do a bunch of clean up!
God helg!
Something bad happened to that car!
that car is just lying there like that?! looks freaky
Hi Steffe...
This is a rather sad series of shots: The shut-down gas station and the upturned car...lots of suffering here I think.
Looks like someone needs a class on how to park the car! Hope no one was injured.
Hva som skjedde med sjåfør og passasjer forteller historien ingenting om. Håper ikke det var en stygg ulykke.
Det er ikke sikkert hjelpen kommer raskt dere ute i ødemarken.
Med ønske om god helg til alle ;)
So long...
I think there are tidier ways to park though.
Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
Did someone get mad because the station was closed...and take it out on their car?
Sad story. And the car is very in-tune with the situation and grey sky over the place.
One question: Do you have to park upside down?
Do I have to park like that?
Freaky it is. It's filled with junk, so I'm guessing some junkie have used it for a while. The car has been parked there all year so it's probably stolen. A few local (possibly mad),idiots then decided to vandalise it. And a few weeks ago someone realised that the car really should be turned upside down.
Ha ha, good one Gateglimt!
That was my thought Irina, perfect scene for a photo on a grey day.
No, you don't have to park like this, but if you want my attention it helps!
Seems somewhat of a bad day for more than one person with the wrecked car and all.
Steffe, will you show us more of Tungelsta please?
Sure, here are a few thousand snaps as a slideshow.
Strong photos!
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