This is Celina. I noticed her outside the cultural centre in Handen yesterday. She looked cute and colorful so I decided to ask her for a portrait, and the first thing she told me after I explained what made me look one extra time at her was that she is always colorful! Celina is the kitchen chef at the Max hamburger bar at the Kista mall. One of her hobbies includes music. She plays guitar and piano. And she sings as well and even performs at different types of events. And works as a guitar teacher! One thing that interested me was where she lives. It's a place in Österhaninge called Åbrunna, which is on my list of places I am yet to visit, so I invited myself as there are some Viking graves and more in that area. Back in 1644 Åbrunna was a place where the noble family von Schwalsh lived. Unfortunately Christopher von Schwalsh wasn't a very good builder, and thirty years later his estate was falling apart. For many years after that Åbrunna was owned by Hesslingby, and that's actually where Celina's mother grew up in one of these red houses next to the big Hesslingby estate.
A photogenic girl and good portraiture study.
Your guitar teacher is prettier than my guitar teacher.
un beau visage, je suis sur que j'aurais ete meilleur en guitare avec une prof comme elle. beau portrait
Colorful, elegant and much more. I don't know nothing about a guitar, but I'd be happy to learn with her.
I bet Max's is a very popular place.
Nice portraits. I like the study in contrasts.
Looks like she could also be a part-time fashion model!
SV: ja verkligen. om du gillar att fota natur borde du åka dit bort! :)
Where is my guitar? I'll steal one!
I'm sure you would have Olivier. I had a flute teacher a few eons ago, but I can't even remember if it was a he or a she!
B Squared, Max had a long fight against McDonald's many years ago. They had a burger that they called Big Max. Fighting against McDonald's probably helped them a lot.
Jag brukar ta vägen genom allén ibland när jag cyklar ner till Häringe Slott. Och jag är lite svag för träd. Kolla in bloggen i morgon så får du ett tjusigt träd (och en häst).
I competely love your portraits!!
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