Surprise! More snow. If you look real closely there's actually a house in this photo behind all the snow. Built by a gardener back in 1912, at Ålsta in Tungelsta. His name was Emil Gottfrid Wall, and he was the son of a carpenter. The name of the property was Lugnet, which translated to English means The Calm. When E.G. Wall passed away his two sons John and Erik took over the business. After they retired the greenhouses was left to nature for many years. Both brothers are now gone and it looks like the house have been inherited by one of their nephews. A couple of winters ago I took another photo of this red house, and ever since, that picture has been one of my more popular flickr photos.
Yes, lots of snow! i like as seen.. so white, so cold..
Very beautiful! You did get a lot of snow!
Here in Ohio, where we live, there has been no snow. We have had rain and cold weather but rain instead of snow. The house picture is pretty enough and reminds me of something we used to see on Christmas Greeting Cards sold by the company, Hallmark. Since the computers and digital imaging came out, Hallmark and most greeting card companies have fallen on hard times.
Pretty amazing Steffe!
Wow that is a lot of snow. The pic from 2007 is a great one. The beautiful Swedish red with that blue sky and the snow-wonderful!
Very lovely winter picture. I know the snow will be coming to us very soon in the Pocono Mountains, but I can wait! I am quite content enjoying your snow rather than our own.
Another nice view of a great building. Early snows always look and feel so great.
Beautiful. The snow still looks fresh and clean. The red house just peeks out from behind its mantle of white. A lovely scene.
Actually, I think one of Santa's elves lives there!
magnifique et une belle surprise cette maison rouge sous toute cette neige
Really nice photo Steffe. We're going to get down to 25F tonight - that's a first in a long time!
What a beautiful image! It captures the snow just perfectly.
A wonderful composition!
Makes for a beautiful "seasonal" shot.
It's pretty to look at. But would not want to be in it.
Dette ser KALDT ut.
Et vakkert sted !! Og et flott vinterbilde!
Eksotisk for mange lenger syd.
Jeg tenker på "rød stuga" når jeg ser det....
Oh boy. That's beautiful but not for me. I'd have to buy enough stuff to last through the winter while I cozied up to a fireplace!
If you go to our Stone Creek blog, you'll see some Florida "snow."
I had missed this picture...I love it! put it as my wallpaper today ;-)
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