I met a wight at the Christmas market in the greenhouse. He didn't say much, fortunately there were more talkative guests at the market, and in the slideshow you will see Maria Edström and her cousin Linnéa Mörne. They were helping Maria's mother Eva selling her handicraft. The woman offering me a home-baked cake is Marion Pettersson-Lundberg, she owns the greenhouse together with her husband Torbörn. The bearded fellow is Bengt Pettersson from Kikartorp in Österhaninge. He overheard me talking to Marion, and joined the conversation as we were talking about old greenhouse nurseries in Tungelsta, and we talked a bit about that. Bengt then mentioned a book he recently bought where his house is mentioned and I could inform him that I shot a few of the photos in that book. I took the two panoramic images to show Torbjörn that it is possible to take such photos even with the cheap PowerShot.
This slide show and text gives the full impression that I was happily there. This wight (thank you for new English word) is definitely likes to be photographed.
Great job Steffe. Very nice.
I like the idea that he didn't say much... Too much talking annoys me.
The other guys at the market are selling interesting things, though-
Love a visit to the market, esp. when I don't get cold. Thanks for taking us there with you.
We have lots of wights nowadays. Depression times over here.
Bet that beard keeps him warm!
I've learned a new word today (wight) my work is done.
Great slideshow!
Very interesting! That bearded fellow looks like he wouldn't even need a jacket - he could just wrap his beard around him.
Yes, we're still in shorts. Except this morning it was very cold (45 degrees F) and I had to put on long pants to play golf. Later it got warm and I wished I had put on shorts!
Great photos! Like your photo blog. Greetings from Germany.
Man, it looks cold over there! Nice shots.
Apologies for the dud link on the Strangers blog. What's the real address?
No worries Cara.This should work:
Takk for omvisningen på julemarkedet.
Jättemysigt ;)
quelle barbe! à faire pâlir d'envie le père Noël!
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