Another winter photo from the popular recreational area Lake Rudan in Handen. From my visit two days ago when the sun was shining, and a lot of skiers could be seen on the ski track between the two lakes. I shouted to this woman that I was going to shoot a few action shots, and got a smile back. If you would visit in the summer, you would meet a lot of mountain bike riders in the forests here. And on a sunny day, the green spot near the Upper Lake, would be filled with sunbathers.
It took a while until I stopped laughing when Handen applied for hosting the national cross-country skiing championships some 25 (?) years back but evidently you've got more snow than we do so maybe they did have sort of a point anyhow.
No, not so much snow here, but the ski club, Jordbänningarna sure knows how to use their snow canons!
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