I have shown you some new housing areas in and around Tungelsta lately. And here is another one. This is Solsäter in Lida. All in all 55 new homes will be built, in what up until a few years ago was a forest. This house is a Hjältevadshus, one of 23 houses from that company to be set up here. It is still on the market. I guess sales has slowed down a bit lately, and prices have gone down as well. But a few families have already moved in here, and come summer, this area will probably feel more alive then it did on my recent promenade. More photos from Solsäter in my flickr set.
Nice looking house. But why no trees if they built in what used to be a forest. Wouldn't they want to keep a few trees?
So barren.
Exactly my point Jacob. And to make matters worse they cut down all the trees on a hill above these houses, for absolutely no reason! I shot a panorama from up that hill last year, you can see it here.
They are doing the same thing here, too. Our home was built in 1980 ... back then, they left several of the larger trees...just cut down enough to build. Now, they cut 'em all down. Stupid!
Just looked at your panorama. So sad!
looks very familiar, we have many houses like that here in US...sad they took trees out,, silly people..
No reason at all? It wasn't plantation land or maybe a bushfire area? Rogue bears?
Hej! Jag har tittat på det där huset. Det är jättefint, men vem tusan vill bo där? Vi tyckte det var lite väl off.
Förresten, tack för info ang namn på toffsfåglarna. Vi fick syn på dem i trädgården för ett tag sen och undrade vad det var för "gökar". Tyvärr var kameran utom räckhåll. Typiskt mig :)
Hälsningar från Vero.
No bears in this area Kris. And there are no plans to build anything on that hill as far as I know. I will have to ask around.
Looks like a pre-fab house trucked in in two pieces. I don't like it. It lacks character so it's no surprise that they hacked down the trees nearby. The developers made a few more bucks off of them.
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