Between 1902 and 1922 this house at Allévägen in Tungelsta housed a brewery. It was called Tungelsta Svagdricksbryggeri AB. The brewer Per Oskar Pettersson lived here until 1906. There was several apartments in the building where over the years some of the employees lived. Among them the worker Enok Ferdinand Karlsson. Another man that worked at the brewery was Ernst Bernhard Falk, but he was sacked in 1908 after his second prison term. Back then the house looked a bit different. Here is a postcard from 1913. Today it's a private residence and this looks like the owner out shoveling snow. I was setting up the camera for this photo when I noticed the postman on the moped that I showed you yesterday.
I never would have guessed this was a former brewery. In this photo it doesn't look so industrial. ;-)
What a difference between the two photos. It's a great looking house. The owner needs a snow blower. I perused your 100 Stranger photos on Flickr and am impressed!
Back then the breweries were more a family thing I guess.
I'd love to stop by for a beer!
It makes a beautiful residence! I like seeing the difference between the old photo and the current one.
If you want a beer Nancy there's a Pub no more than 50 meters from here.
I would never have guessed there was a brewery in there either! It's a lovely house and it's really nice to have the old photo to compare!
Prison term? Do tell! I am assuming Sweden did not have an era of prohibition and related crime. What are the local popular beers in Haninge down at the pub?
He was sent to jail for a few months for theft back in 1907. And when that happened again the following year he was sacked. After that he spent the rest of his life at some sort of institution. He was the last person that lived in the building when it was a brewery. As for the beer, the bestseller at the Systembolaget is Sofiero from http://www.kopparbergs.se/, but I prefer a Guinness, skål!
Very interesting. Thanks for posting both current and old photos. Looks to be a well-built and well-maintained structure.
Love all the history you include with your wonderful photos.
It makes the photo more interesting I think, if you learn a little about the history of the place. Glad you appreciate that Carrie.
love the before and after!
What a lovely house. Would love to live there.
I was also amazed to learn this was a brewery once. I would never have guessed and had you posted it on the 1st of April I'd have immediately thought I would have found a prank! :)
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