Another cold winter's day in Tungelsta. I had no inspiration at all for photography today. Ended up going up to Välsta. Closing in on the old tree, I noticed a group of horse back riders and figured I could meet them up at the tree for a photo. But they took another way, and crossed a field to get to the Nedersta farm. This is, believe it or not, my 170th photo of the old tree shot from this path. I sometimes wonder why I keep coming back to this place week after week. But just a few days ago I got an email from a woman who lives nearby. She had seen some of my photos, and wanted directions to the tree, which I of course gave her. Which means that the tree still attracts some attention, which is nice.
if you make great photos like this one without inspiration, your photography with inspiration must be outstanding.
I love the tree!!
Old, gnarled trees are touching, aren't they? If they could talk...
The tree 'speaks to you' that's why you keep going back.
Practice makes perfect I guess!
Love this picture! Can't decide which one is best though - the one from the 7th is amazing also :-)
Beautiful crisp winter's sky!
That tree sure has alot of charactor. Makes a beautiful capture Smiles B
I love the returning pictures of the tree! This one will be on my desktop for a day..
Hallå där. Jag hittade till "ditt" träd, både live och på Google earth. :)
Jag var faktiskt där med hela familjen och vi måste nästan ha gått om varandra. Såg hästarna och tänkte samma sak som du, men lillen frös så vi fick vända. En annan gång kanske...
The tree must love you too :-)
I love this photo, it is very calming.
Beautiful, and inspired! :-D
I've been reading your blog for quite awhile, so I think of this tree as an old friend. I'm always happy to see it again.
I really like the shot of this tree. It looks melancholy.
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