We had some mist today. Visibility was down, so to speak. I still figured I could get some good shots and went out for a photo promenade. Some of you will recognise this view. It's the old tree again. But in Black & White and from a different angle than I normally shoot. Had I arrived five minutes earlier, we would have seen three girls coming out from the mist on their horses but you can't have everything. If you want to see a horse in the mist from this place have a look at this.
A very bleak looking panorama - looks cold !
Not cold at all actually. We had around 3C today, so the little snow we got a few days ago is now melting away, but it was very icy on the path!
This is an absolutly gorgous capture. Love the contrasts. Smiles B
I really like this tree, especially this image with the sky overcast. I googled images of trees and came across your photos and blog. I've enjoyed seeing your photos and reading some of your posts - it made for a nice coffee break. Thanks!
Thanks. I hope you enjoyed your coffee. Be sure to stop by again as this photo blog is perfect reading during a coffee break!
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