Here comes the mail man on his moped. CityMail was founded twenty years ago by Bror Anders Månsson, as an alternative to the Swedish postal service. In 2002, Månsson sold the company and collected 145 Million SEK. Today they have 1500 employees. When they don't ride mopeds, they walk, or ride a bicycle. I spotted this guy yesterday near the old brewery that I might show you in a day or two.
Our mail men have to drive trucks because they deliver so much junk mail. This sure looks like fun though and I love the colors.
Such a novel idea. The government would not allow it here. They hate competition/
He looks quite cool actually. For being a postman.
Another terrific slice of life. I thought of the Paul Simon song, "Slip Sliding Away."
Nice shot! Our postmen use bicycles in cities...
Our postmen use their legs in cities:D
But in villagies indeed they use bicycles, motorbikes or even cars:)
Super shot, I really like it.
That's really neat! Far out!~
What a great way to do business--except maybe in a blizzard.
What a great shot, you cant miss him in those colors
A very nice photo indeed. I like it.
You still seem to have a lot of snow. We are slowly slipping into Spring over here!
Greetings from Springy Arona.
The Swedish postal service use all kinds of vehicles. As does CityMail.
It's been a strange winter here. Not very much snow at all and many grey days. Then a couple of days ago we got maybe ten centimetre's of the white stuff. But since then the temperature has gone up again and it will probably be gone in a few days.
So Sweden has a mail service that promises SPEEDY delivery? Wonderful!
Immediately I am seized by the colors!!
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