Five recent photos from a walk in the central parts of Stockholm. A woman crossing the street at Stureplan. The entrance to the mall Sturegallerian. Two people with their smartphones near a bridge at Kungsgatan. An eBike parked outside a 3 store, also at Kungsgatan, where I guess the owner of the bike works. My eBike was parked nearby, btw. And in the fifth and final photo the corner of Sveavägen/Kungsgatan. The empty property owned by Hufvudstaden has seen many shops over the years. Adidas moved out last Autumn, I guess because of the high rent.
I love the street look from your city!
That's a great group of candid street photos.
I like the pics from your walks around town.
All look very prosperous. The property for rent at the end negates that a bit, but surely someone will soon snap it up. Or not.
Things change, don't they?
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