Flower on the lawn at home. A very old "lada" at Norrby in Handen that my buddy Jim is checking out. Young family. Any day with a convertible is a good day. Dog walking it's young human. First "smultron" of the Summer. Too many burglaries so we have a new alarm at home. Birch forest at Söderby. Nyckelpiga. Workers climbing around on a roof at Lillgården, it looked unsafe to me. The moon shot with my 800mm lens. Father and son on a Sunday drive. Graffiti. Girl on a bike. a glass of cold Leffe. That insect again.
Flashy cars!
I love the dog walking it's human and I'd love to wander around that birch forest.
You do the best collages, a sample of life in your area. Now I know (but may not remember) the word for lady bug in Swedish. But an 800 mm lens? You would have to come here for the total solar eclipse in August to make good use of it.
Too many burglaries? Um. Not good.
420mm to 800mm, nearly impossible to shoot with, but I guess I need to practise more with it Bob.
Not good at all Judith.
I like the way you do this!
Actually, I like it an awful lot!
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