This is old man Lars. Retired. Lives at Torö, in the Nynäshamn archipelago. Spends his days sitting at this bus stop at the corner of Storuddsvägen and Torövägen. Doesn't say much old Lars, but he is holding a sign that will inform you that you once again can get pizza at Torö Landhandel. The address is Torö Lanthandel, Storbygården 2, 149 92 Nynäshamn. Oh and I wasn't 100% sure where Lars was sitting, (for the flickr map), so I got in touch with the pizza place and they promptly sent out a delivery guy called Arne Funk with a salami pizza to old man Lars! Arne also emailed me a video were he can be seen talking about my inquiry as well as the map info I needed, so in return I promised to stop by for a pizza next time I'm on the island!
This doesn't look like the corner of anything and anywhere! Pizza delivery would be welcome to break the quiet.
I wrote that it was in the middle of nowhere in a first draft,not sure why I changed it Bob.
Ah, min namne! Jag känner mig lika livfull emellanåt... Men det ser ut att vara en schysst snubbe och det gick säkert att snacka bort en timme eller två i hans sällskap. ;-)
Just shows you that it doesn't matter where you are you can always get a pizza 😀
It's good that delivery man found old Lars! Good shot.
Lars looks quite whimsical!
I wonder if Lars was satisfied with the salami pizza. He has no one to share it with, that's a shame.
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