Impromptu photo shoot of a 1966 Plymouth Valiant at a filling station in Jordbro. The owner, Mats had bought the car just three days earlier. From another "raggare", but their taste were a bit different so Mats had already changed a few things. And I'm sad to say that the "Hillbillys" hood will be gone soon as well as the Persian rug inside! I believe that there's a cruiser gang called Hillbillys and chances are that the previous owner was a member. Shot with my new Chinese 35mm lens. A few more snaps of the Plymouth in my flickr set.
Snygga detaljbilder på bilen! Vad luktar en doftgran med amerikanska flaggan som dekoration?
En bil som verkar lite "ruffig" men på ett personligt sätt. Ingen perfektion men troligtvis en bruksbil som ska användas. Den nya ägaren får säkert till sin personliga prägel på bilen.
Valiants had a reputation over here for being kind of junky, but then they didn't come with factory installed skulls. Hard for Americans to imagine a Swedish hillbilly.
That's been seriously customized.
That was the first car I ever had.
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