This grumpy bird (Juvenile White wagtail),spends it's day complaining to it's hard working parents that the lack of food is a big problem. And when that doesn't seem to help it will try to stare anyone down as seen here. It had some success on this occasion as it was given both cheese, healthy bread and cake crumbs. As seen from a chair at my favorite cafe Malmens konditori in Handen.
Ha ha, suverän namngivning på inlägget och bilden. Nog ser den tjurig ut, den lilla sädesärlan. Just nu kan man se klumpiga och oförsiktiga fåglar och om man stannar upp en stund och tittar närmare så inser man att det är ungar. Tack för dagens första skratt :-)
A priceless expression on that bird!
That's a serious glare!
That really is a stinky stare Steffe.. no one ever gives me food when I glare like that 😀
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