Here is an update about the little red cottage at Malmvägen in Handen that I was hoping to save from the bulldozers. I
wrote about it last November. Two weeks ago there was
an article in the local paper Mitti, about my idea. The house is a century old, the only one of his kind in Handen, and was built by American timber. A few more people are involved in the project now. I got a call from my friend Sune Nilsson at the local historical association, Haninge hembygdsgille. He had discussed the idea with people from the Fredrika Bremer secondary school, the municipality and the building company and they had all paid the house a visit, and everyone seems to think that it might be worth saving. If the house, (now known as Steffes stuga), is to be saved, it has to be done very quickly as two of the tree new houses to be built here have already been sold and the new owners are supposed to move in during the Spring. One idea is to cut up the house in four pieces, move it to somewhere were it can be stored for a while, and then maybe rebuild it at the old village in the Tyresta national park. It will of course cost a pretty penny but hopefully that is a cost that is affordable for everyone involved.