This ugly concrete stair is older than it might look. Back in the day people walked up and down here to the old commuter station in Handen. A new station opened in the mid 1970s a little further south. If you click this link and scroll down a bit you can see both the old station house and the stairs in a photo taken back in 1970 from the little beach that I stood on the other day shooting that fine Autumn reflection photo.
Not so beautiful - but functional, I suppose.
Ugly's an understatement. More because of the taggers than anything else.
I'm thinking, how would an elderly person climb those steps, in winter of all seasons?
Like after a snowstorm...and then it rained and everything turned to ice...
Next time, when I'm visiting my birth country in December and the heat reaches 46 Celsius in the shade (and some mangoes come plopping on my head instead of on the sidewalk) I'll think about that stairway and then...I wont complain!
I think these steps would look fine without all the graffiti.
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