This is a very odd looking dog, or an odd looking dog sculpture. Made by the artist Ragnhild Alexandersson who specializes in that sort of thing. You can find it on the lawn in the inner yard at Poseidons gränd in Handen.
Daily photos, portraits, and stories from Haninge, Stockholm and Södertörn in Sweden.
That is one strange dog!
One hind leg lifted - only one reason dogs to that. Perhaps an architecture review?
I feel like I've seen one like it before somewhere else. He's kind of cute in a silly sort of way.
It's rather whimsical. Bob had the same thought as me!
Det var verkligen en udda "fågel". Jag har tittat på detta konstverk i ett par dagar nu och får nog medge att hunden växer på mig. Den är inte vacker men cool. Bra konst, helt enkelt. Och jag gillar båda bilderna du tagit med en fin oskärpa som frilägger motivet på ett fint sätt.
Haha! What Bob said :)
Strange but quite nice!
Made me smile :)
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