As you probably know I enjoy documenting changes, be it in nature or places. These photos show the progress of the bridge currently being built at the Krigslida railway crossing. At the moment it is a lot of scaffolding everywhere, but come the summer this will be a concrete bridge. The length will be 170 meters. I believe that the official name in The Mulsta Bridge. But my pick would have been the Krigslida Bridge, because Krigslida is the name of the commuter station. Two other possible names would be the Håga Bridge, or my favorite, the Nödesta Bridge because the bridge stretches between those two places. Nödesta being the old name of the 700 year old farm here and I actually shot these photos from a field that used to belong to the farm, and only a year or so ago this was a blooming canola field. I have added a flickr tag to the photos of this bridge, so if you press here you can see all my bridge photos as I shoot them.
That's a perfect title Steffe, it's exactly what it looks like..thank goodness someone has a plan of action!! Will be interesting to see the bridge as it takes shape.
Meccano! It's been a long time since I heard this name for the last time. :-)))
We called these 'monkey bars'
One day you should set up an exhibition of your photos - you have a wonderful historical record of your area and the changes to it over the years.
Excellent images. For a short period along time ago I worked with scaffolding. It was hard, but fun...
I am always amazed that they know just what they are doing...and even more amazing that it all lines up at the end. Wonderful photo records Steffe.
It will be fun watching this bridge come to life through your photos, Steffe.
That is the awesome architecture.
A great selection of bridges.
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