After some coffee at my favorite cafe on Saturday, I left the mug on the table, (really I did), and took another photo promenade around Handen with my friend Jim. According to his GPS device the walk was 6300 meters long. I shocked him by guessing correctly to the meter how far we had walked after thirty minutes. That was a few minutes after I took this photo. These green tiles stood out a bit on the parking garage wall where I found them. I wonder what the deal is with that square door.
The annoying thing is that the tiles weren't lined up with the square door. How come, worries I?
If the door was there first, it would be reasonable to line ONE edge of the door perfectly with the tiles, I muse. But no, they have not done that.
If the tiles were there first, it would be reasonsable to cut out a set number of tiles to make space for the door. But, not. That was not for them either.
They were anarchists. Or even communists!
I like the anarchist idea, lets stick with that.
I wonder what this artwork tries to tell us...
I can't even begin to guess, especially since you say it's a parking garage, but whatever, I like the tiles. I'm always for adding a little color to otherwise utilitarian concrete walls.
Electrics maybe!
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