A sure sign of spring. The firebugs are out running again. These guys live near a tree trunk close to the cellar door at my place and I have noticed more and more of them in the last couple of weeks.
Daily photos, portraits, and stories from Haninge, Stockholm and Södertörn in Sweden.
and how artfully they've arranged themselves for this composition.
This is a great picture and I agree with brattcat - very experienced models it seems! I've never seen this bug before.
Beautiful Steffe!
I remember seeing these bugs when I was a kid growing up in Illinois. We called them "Boxelder" bugs.
We have something similar but all orange with little black spots. We call the ones we have, "June Bugs."
This is a great capture
Men alltså... FUUUSK att du får se så många när jag inte sett en enda (på riktigt) i hela mitt liv.
How beautiful, I first thought these were leaves but it is alive. Great.
These guys are incredible!
Jeg har ikke sett en eneste....
Derfor er dette spesielt og unikt!
I do not like bugs, but these are quite photogenic!
Oh wow Steffe these are so colourful, they make a great image, but they still have lots of little legs that would creep me out if they crawled on me!!
I love these bugs. Great find!
Colorful and creepy. I believe those bugs have not yet spread to Finland.
I've heard of them, but never seen firebugs. Beautiful!
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