I walked up a hill yesterday. Near the old Snörom farm in Jordbro. Sometimes there will be horses in the pasture here, but I guess it's too early in the year for that. I found this fallen and cut up Silver Birch on the hill, probably a victim of the storm that we had in December of last year. I can't remember if I have shown you any photos of the little horse farm here. If not. I will do so soon.
In another year that wood will be perfectly aged and great in a fireplace!
Burning seems like a waste. But then burning anything is wasteful. It is like eating a sandwich. It is such a waste of resources to actually eat the sandwich. It could be saved for when you are really starving and then every morsel would be more appreciated and it could even save your life.
Of course it is better to burn it up to keep warm than to let the ants and other creepy crawly things eat away at it, though it would last much longer if they ate it.
It's sort of sad to see a tree brought down!
Yup! A year away.
What a cool shot on top! The wood pieces seem to be positioned for you to take a picture. :-)
I gasped when I saw this. Good thing it is not the most famous old tree in your area.
I had some fun with the 50mm lens with this scene. I shot a composite of 11 photos which I then stitched together. You can see the result at my Pinwheel site.
For a moment I thought that this was the 'famous' broken branch finally removed (as shown in your pic the other day).
Love a good fire...
The survivors are watching...
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