Vendors around Sweden sold fireworks worth something like 250 million SEK this last week. And the fireworks were all used during the New Years Eve celebrations. That's around 26 SEK per person in the country (there's 9 600 000 of us, give or take). The population in Tungelsta is around 5000, which means that I watched 130 000 SEK exploding in the night sky during the ten minutes that I stood on the stairs at home taking photos of the spectacle. It looked like much more. Happy New Year everyone!
Waouhh quel feu d'artifice, c'est grandiose
Very nice!
Brings life to the new year ...
The night photos are great!
There are so many colors.
(I always have trouble with night skies.)
I love fireworks, but only when done by professionals. I want them banned from the hands of individuals here, many of whom end up with fewer fingers in those same hands.
The colors in your photo are gorgeous!
Wishing you a blessed and beautiful 2012, Steffe.
Beautiful image. And so much beautiful portraits too..; Happy new year!
Agree with Hilda, keep them away from maniacs! Well taken, mine were not worth posting, maybe I was a little unsteady?
I find that it is mostly maniacs that do this sort of thing. Normally 200 people will be injured in Sweden every New years Eve. I have never bought any fireworks myself.
fabulous image, steffe.
Superb. Happy New Year
BIG Bang theory!
Getting a good photo of fireworks is so difficult and this one is the best I have seen! Excellent!
Private use of fireworks is totally banned here in Perth Steffe and for good reason, only a day or so ago someone here died because of mishandling of a very big firework, where he got it from is a mystery. Also because if our extremely hot windy weather the risk of fire is too high.. But after all that this is a fabulous shot.
Great shot. The Polish people have a habit of holding the rockets at arm's length and then lighting them! Totally crazy. I always stay well clear - alcohol and young people with fireworks do not mix!
Keep up the good work and look forward to reading more in 2012.
Happy New Year from Yellerbelly Abroad!
You've done a beautiful job of photographing these "explosions". Nicely done.
Wow! You have fireworks photos figures out! Those are beautiful! Happy New Year to you.
Agree -- these fireworks photos are the best! We had no fireworks but it sounded as if a canon was blasting from Garazers (the Latvian camp by us). Michigan has just legalized fireworks so I too now worry about the maniacs
Gorgeous shot... Happy New Year to you!
A great display of fireworks, Steffe!
Please take a look at my Brazilian friend's new CDP blog:
Laranjeiras do Sul daily photo
Thats a lot of fireworks Steffe! I like this picture, nicely captured.
Thanks for your visits and comments to my Leeds in Yorkshire daily photo blog. Have a great 2012 and I look forward to the pictures you will show us.
Happy new year to you too and what a magnificent picture!
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