It opened as a Koppartrans filling station in the early 1960s. Shell took over in the 1970s. Per Erik Mickos and his wife ran the business for a couple of decades until they retired. For a while it became a DIN-X station. Next up was a soccer coach from Södertälje, but he went into personal bankruptcy soon after taking over the station. And that's when the gas station, which also served as a garage, kiosk and grocery store was abandoned. On Thursday night someone drove a car through the garage doors for no apparent reason. This afternoon I walked over do document the abandoned station in Tungelsta. The oldest photos in the slideshow dates back to when the station was still in operation.
I'm surprised someone hasn't taken that computer monitor...!
Nice series of pictures.
I was about to call the police. I thought someone had broken into my house and taken a photo of my daughter's room!
*chuckle* re Peter's comment.
This is a good story, Steffe. It is often what we bloggers do, document the ordinary.
The astounding thing is that they just up and went. No attempt apparently to tidy up, and throw out. Probably did not even pull the door shut behind them.
I wonder who owns the land. There must be something here worth something!
The location is perfect for a small business. We don't have another gas station in Tungelsta so it's weird that no one has taken over the property. Just across the road there's an empty lot where there once was a plant nursery. If you combined the two properties you could fit in a grocery store and we only have one of those in Tungelsta. They did lock the door, but anything left abandoned for a while will attract people.
I find that incredibly sad. How about you, Steffe? You could do it! Maybe a village/town consortium?
That's a lot of stuff for being abandoned!
It's amazing that it has stayed that way for so long.
Yes, it's all about our past lives.
Funny that the computer was still there and lots of other things! Was front the door left open....
No the front door is still locket I walked in via the garage.
too bad..! was it scary to be inside.. ? :)
were you allowed?
This poor old gas station hasn't had a very successful history Steffe, hopefully the next person to take it over over will have the right solution.
Not very scary as I have been here a few thousand times when it was open for business. Allowed, probably.
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