I took this photo two days ago. It was a horrible day. Weather vice. -3C. Not the best weather for a bike ride, but I needed to get out of the house. This is a bus stop at Håga, between Tungelsta and Västerhaninge. There is an industrial park here, a pizzeria and a few houses. And the odd vandals, by the looks of it.
Vandalism is spreading like a plague.
Winter so far has been oddly without much snow, unusual for us, but those grey skies are a constant!
The glasses are shattered? It has a different feel with snow all over it
There are fools everywhere these days.
The same here only without the snow.
Every once in awhile, one comes across busted panes in bus shelters here.
A sad sight it is. And the money spent fixing it could have been used elsewhere.
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