... the new commuter station in Tungelsta for open. The Mayor of Haninge, Meeri Wasberg, assisted by Mattias Sjöström Varg and Gunnar Hammar cutting the tape during the official opening of the new commuter station in Tungelsta yesterday afternoon. Around 150 people had turned up for the opening and they could all be seen enjoying cake&coffee. It's been a long time coming this, the station and the surrounding area has been a construction site off and on for the last decade. I have a flickr set with photos that you can see here or over at flickr.
Congrats on new station. A lot of work has been done as I can see on Flickr pictures. Nice story told through your lens.
I like the look of the station!
Congratulations, at long last! I hope it's a boon to your community. (Thank you for the link to the article on autofocus points. In theory I am supposed to be able to control the points in my Nikon but for the most part I haven't been able to select them as I should. The specified control doesn't make the point(s) move. I hope to get a new camera body by early next year - a better model - and expect that I'll have greater control then. For now, I take what I can get.)
The mayor has multiple colors in her hair! I remember seeing your photos of this project in different stages of completion.
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